
Z-Uno package for Arduino IDE already includes some basic examples. They cover only basic functions of Z-Uno. To make your experience better we present here more basic examples based on different compatible hardware. These example projects show the power and flexibility of Z-Uno. Based on these examples you can build your own Z-Wave device and even mix multiple examples together. Free your imagination!
If you search for more complex examples, have a look on cool projects submitted by Z-Uno users!
Basic examples
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Popular sensors examples
- CO2 sensor
- I2C BH1750 light sensor
- 1-Wire DS18B20 temperature sensor
- I2C pressure and temperature sensor BMP180 and OLED display
- Analog temperature sensor LM335
- OneWire temperature sensor DS18B20 and I2C LCD display
- Infrared Proximity Sensor Sharp GP2Y0A21YK
- HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
- Secure keypad controlling a door lock
- RGB LED-strip
- Temperature and humidity sensor DHT11
- 125Khz RFID Card Reader controlling a door lock
- Water Level sensor
- MCP23017 I2C port expander
- 74HC595 SPI shift register
- IR to Z-Wave
- Z-Wave to IR
- Water Meter with EEPROM memory
- Multiple DS18B20 temperature sensors
- Multiple DS18B20 temperature sensors (dynamic style)
- Sharp Memory LCD Display
- RS-485 with MAX485
- RGB LED strip control with WS2811/WS2812 (a.k.a NeoPixel)
- Z-Uno as a modem (AT commands)
Z-Uno is your «swiss knife» in Z-Wave world. It allows to make many different devices to complement your home automation. Most of our users love to share their success stories. We are glad to present most interesting Z-Uno based projects here.
Please send us your own project with detailed description, photos, schematics and sample code to share with Z-Uno community.
- Z-Wow!Me — a funny gift for New Year from the Z-Wave.Me team
- Battery powered wall switch
- Sensor wall switch based on Livolo glass
- Control iRobot Roomba
- Four power relays
- Radiation, Temperature and Humidity Monitor with LCD Display
- LED Controller based on Encoder and MOSFET
- Smart meter reader for electrical meter Mercury 206
- Pellet bunker temperature and fulfillment level
- Christmas Ornament
Z-Uno Shield-based examples
- 8-channel relays. Go to Configurator
- 4-channel 0-10V dimmer. Go to Configurator
- 4-channel LED controller. Go to Configurator
- RGBW controller. Go to Configurator
- 10-channel temperature sensor. Go to Configurator
- 4-channel binary sensor (12 V for alarm systems). Go to Configurator
- 4-channel binary sensor (dry contacts for buttons). Go to Configurator
- 4 LED strips controlled by 4 push buttons
- Dooya DT82TV curtain motor connected via RS-485
Z-Wave Plus certified examples

According to an agreement with the Z-Wave Alliance Z-Uno was certified under Z-Wave Plus based on a specific sketch. Other sketches are not certified but we guarantee they will pass. Get more info.