Sensor wall switch based on Livolo glass

Vitaliy Yurkin, Z-Wave.Me Make a thin and beautiful battery powered wall switch based on cheap Livolo glasses and Z-Uno.

  • Z-Uno board
  • Livolo glas
  • Livolo frame
  • 2 TTP223 touch pad detector
  • 2 schottky diodes
  • 2 resistors 220 Ω
  • 2 resistors 10 kΩ
  • 2 capacities 10 nF
  • 1 tantalum capacitor 100 μF (or 2 by 47 μF as on the photo)
  • 2 tune capacities 0-50 pF
  • 2 LEDs
It is quite hard to reuse original Livolo schematics, so it is easier to make own:
Here is how it looks like once assembled:
Original Livolo frame can be used to mount the wall switch and to fix the CR2032 battery. It is recommended to use 4 batteries in parallel to have sufficient lifetime. A tantalum capacitor C3 allows to mitigate spikes of current during Z-Wave transmission and enhance battery life.
            #define BTN_INT_PIN 18   // INT pin
#define BTN_PIN1 0       // button pin
#define BTN_PIN2 20      // button pin
#define CONTROL_GROUP 1  // number of Association Group
#define SWITCH_ON 0xff
#define SWITCH_OFF 0

ZUNO_SETUP_ASSOCIATIONS(ZUNO_ASSOCIATION_GROUP_SET_VALUE); // Send Turn On/Off command to associated devices

byte lastValue1 = HIGH;
byte lastValue2 = HIGH;

// the setup routine runs once when you press reset:
void setup() {

// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
void loop() {
  byte currentValue1 = digitalRead(BTN_PIN1);
  byte currentValue2 = digitalRead(BTN_PIN2);
  // Button Down
  if (currentValue1 != lastValue1) {  // if state changes
    lastValue1 = currentValue1;       // save new state
    if (lastValue1 == LOW) {
      zunoSendToGroupSetValueCommand(CONTROL_GROUP, SWITCH_OFF); // if button pressed - send switch OFF command
  // Button Up
  if (currentValue2 != lastValue2) {  // if state changes
    lastValue2 = currentValue2;       // save new state
    if (lastValue2 == LOW) {
      zunoSendToGroupSetValueCommand(CONTROL_GROUP, SWITCH_ON); // if button pressed - send switch ON command

  // Go to sleep after release the button
  if (digitalRead(BTN_INT_PIN)){
Download this sketch
This is how it looks on the wall Link to detailed project description (in Russian, use Google to translate)