10 Channels Certified Sketch

This is one of the two sketches used in Z-Uno Z-Wave Plus certification (certificate ZC10-16065104). It consist of a very complex mains power device with 3 LED switches, 3 LED dimmers, light, temperature and motion sensors as well as reed switch.

As an example motion sensor switches on/off devices in association group #2.
Z-Uno 2 certified example is locate here.
  • Z-Uno board
  • Breadboard
  • PIR sensor (like this)
  • Reed switch (like this)
  • Photo resistor (like this)
  • Temperature sensor (like this)
  • 6 LEDs
  • 6 220 Ω resistors
  • 1 10 kΩ resistor

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 * This scretch was certified by the Z-Wave Alliance as one of the two reference Z-Uno sketches.
 * 3 switches
 * 3 dimmers
 * 1 motion sensor
 * 1 temperature sensor
 * 1 luminance sensor
 * 1 door sensor

// Pins definitions
#define LedPin1 9
#define LedPin2 10
#define LedPin3 11
#define LedPin4 PWM2
#define LedPin5 PWM3
#define LedPin6 PWM4
#define MotionPin 12
#define LumiPin A2
#define TemperaturePin A3
#define DoorPin 19

#define SWITCH_ON 0xff
#define SWITCH_OFF 0

// Global variables to store data reported via getters
byte switchValue1 = 0;
byte switchValue2 = 0;
byte switchValue3 = 0;
byte dimValue1 = 0;
byte dimValue2 = 0;
byte dimValue3 = 0;
byte lastMotionValue = 0;
byte lastLumiValue = 0;
byte lastTemperatureValue = 0;
byte lastDoorValue = 0;
word relaxMotion = 0;



// Set up 10 channels
  ZUNO_SWITCH_BINARY(getterSwitch1, setterSwitch1),
  ZUNO_SWITCH_BINARY(getterSwitch2, setterSwitch2),
  ZUNO_SWITCH_BINARY(getterSwitch3, setterSwitch3),
  ZUNO_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL(getterDim1, setterDim1),
  ZUNO_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL(getterDim2, setterDim2),
  ZUNO_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL(getterDim3, setterDim3),

void setup() {
  // set up I/O pins. Analog and PWM will be automatically set up on analogRead/analogWrite functions call
  pinMode(LedPin1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LedPin2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LedPin3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(MotionPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(DoorPin, INPUT_PULLUP);

void loop() {
  byte currentMotionValue;
  byte currentLumiValue;
  byte currentTemperatureValue;
  byte currentDoorValue;

  // Trigger motion and wait for relax (about 5 sec) before report idle
  currentMotionValue = !digitalRead(MotionPin);
  if (currentMotionValue) {
    if (relaxMotion == 0) {
      lastMotionValue = 1;
      zunoSendToGroupSetValueCommand(CTRL_GROUP_1, SWITCH_ON);
    relaxMotion = 1900; // impirical for ~5 sec relax time
  if (lastMotionValue == 1 && relaxMotion == 0) {
    lastMotionValue = 0; 
    zunoSendToGroupSetValueCommand(CTRL_GROUP_1, SWITCH_OFF);
  if (relaxMotion) relaxMotion--;

  // Luminosity
  currentLumiValue = (byte)(100 - analogRead(LumiPin)*25/256);
  if ((currentLumiValue > (lastLumiValue + 5)) || (currentLumiValue < (lastLumiValue - 5))) {
    lastLumiValue = currentLumiValue;

  // TMP36 analog temperature sensor
  currentTemperatureValue = analogRead(TemperaturePin) * 40 / 124 - 50; // from TMP36 spec (40/124 ~= 3.3*100/1024)
  if ((currentTemperatureValue > (lastTemperatureValue + 1)) || (currentTemperatureValue < (lastTemperatureValue - 1))) {
    lastTemperatureValue = currentTemperatureValue;

  // Door/Window sensor
  currentDoorValue = digitalRead(DoorPin); 
  if (currentDoorValue != lastDoorValue) { 
    lastDoorValue = currentDoorValue;

// Getters and setters

void setterSwitch1(byte value) {
  digitalWrite(LedPin1, (value > 0) ? HIGH : LOW);
  switchValue1 = value;

byte getterSwitch1(){
  return switchValue1;

 void setterSwitch2(byte value) {
  digitalWrite(LedPin2, (value > 0) ? HIGH : LOW);
  switchValue2 = value;

byte getterSwitch2(){
  return switchValue2;

void setterSwitch3(byte value) {
  digitalWrite(LedPin3, (value > 0) ? HIGH : LOW);
  switchValue3 = value;

byte getterSwitch3(){
  return switchValue3;

void setterDim1(byte value) {
  if (value > 99) value = 99;
  analogWrite(LedPin4, ((word)value)*255/99);
  dimValue1 = value;

byte getterDim1(void) {
  return dimValue1;

void setterDim2(byte value) {
  if (value > 99) value = 99;
  analogWrite(LedPin5, ((word)value)*255/99);
  dimValue2 = value;

byte getterDim2(void) {
  return dimValue2;

void setterDim3(byte value) {
  if (value > 99) value = 99;
  analogWrite(LedPin6, ((word)value)*255/99);
  dimValue3 = value;

byte getterDim3(void) {
  return dimValue3;

byte getterMotion(void) {
  return lastMotionValue ? 0xff : 0;

byte getterLuminance(void) {
  return lastLumiValue;

byte getterTemperature(void) {
  return lastTemperatureValue;

byte getterDoor(void) {
  return lastDoorValue ? 0xff : 0;
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