Z-Uno availability in USA
Z-Uno is now available in USA! Get yours from z-uno.us
Z-Uno Quick Start Guide
To help you make your first Z-Wave device faster, we wrote the Z-Uno Quick Start Guide book. It will guide you through the wonderful world of Z-Uno. Special thanks to m.nu team for proofreading the book. A very short and quick introduction is also available for those who don't want to read a book.
Z-Uno availability in Europe
Z-Uno is back in stock! Check the list of Z-Uno distributors to find your favorite shop.
New Z-Uno software release 2.0.9
We are happy to announce a new Z-Uno release! This software update of Z-Uno is fixing a lot of bugs of the previous version 2.0.8 and earlier.
What's new in 2.0.9?
New example added (can be found in File→Examples→Z-Uno in Arduino IDE):
New features:
- New library ZUNO_SERVO to control servo motors.
- Fixed digitalRead with constant pin reference (broken since 2.0.8).
- Fixed ADC wrong values after Z-Uno wakeup (broken since the beginning).
- Fixed user readable output on wrong s_pin usage (not in 9-16 range, broken since 2.0.8).
- Fixed problem with pins 17-23 (fixed in 2.0.7, but broken again in 2.0.8).
- Added atoi, atol, atof definitions in headers.
- Interrupt handlers can be defined not only in sketch file, but in libs too (used in the new ZUNO_SERVO)
This new C++ release is available under http://z-uno.z-wave.me/files/z-uno/package_z-wave.me_index.json URL (follow instructions).
Documentation on Z-Uno web site was also revised and updated to host new functions description.
New Z-Uno software release 2.0.8
We are happy to announce a new Z-Uno release! This software update of Z-Uno fixes some issues from 2.0.7 version and brings many new features to your Z-Uno.
What's new in 2.0.8?
New examples added (can be found in File→Examples→Z-Uno in Arduino IDE):
- Interrupts example
- LPS331 pressure sensor example
- AM2320 temperature and humidity sensor example
- PN532 NFC/RFID reader example
New features:
- External interrupts of the Z-Wave chip: INT0 (pin 17), INT1 (pin 18), ZEROX (pin 3). Interrupt handler should be defined in global range via ZUNO_SETUP_ISR_*(isr_handler), where isr_handler is the name of the corresponding function to call on interrupt.
- ZUNO_SETUP_ISR_INT0(int0_handler)
- ZUNO_SETUP_ISR_INT1(int1_handler)
- ZUNO_SETUP_ISR_ZEROX(int_zeroX_handler)
Trigger mode is defined using function zunoExtIntMode(byte int_num, byte mode). Allowed values are for int_num are:- ZUNO_EXT_INT0
- CHANGE (value change)
- FALLING (high to low falling)
- RISING (low to high rising)
- General Purpose Timer (GPT) is now available. interrupt handler can be set via ZUNO_SETUP_ISR_GPTIMER(gpt_handler), where gpt_handler - is the handler function name (like for interrupts handlers). Timer is configured using the following functions:
- zunoGPTInit(byte flags) — set timer mode:
- ZUNO_GPT_SCALE1024 — specify tick frequency as 32MHZ/1024, otherwise default 4MHZ is used.
- ZUNO_GPT_IMWRITE — write new value immediately instead of waiting for timer to reach zero
- ZUNO_GPT_CYCLIC — reload the timer on reaching zero — otherwise timer triggers only once
- zunoGPTEnable(byte bEnable) — enable/disable timer
- zunoGPTSet(word interval) — defines the number of ticks before interrupt happens.
- zunoGPTInit(byte flags) — set timer mode:
- New 1 ms timer. Unlike GPT, this timer is not so accurate, but have no restrictions on PWM. Defined using ZUNO_SETUP_ISR_1MSTIMER(m1ms_handler)
- ADC (analogRead) resolution can be changed using function analogReadResolution(byte resolution). Resolution can be in range 1-12 bits. Most popular are:
- 10 bits (default) — Arduino Uno compatibility mode
- 12 bits — maximum possible in Z-Uno
- 8 bits — can save energy in battery devices (uses special mode of Z-Wave MCU to make ADC faster)
- Possibility to choose Reference for ADC using analogReference(byte ref). Possible values are (bitmask flags)::
- ADC_HIGH_EXTERNAL — use A0 pin as upper reference voltage
- ADC_HIGH_INTERNAL — use internal voltage reference 1.2 V as upper reference voltage (NB! there might be a ±10% drift from Z-Uno to Z-Uno, but constant for a particular Z-Uno!)
- ADC_HIGH_VCC — use Vcc as upper reference voltage (default)
- ADC_LOW_EXTERNAL — use A1 pin as lower reference voltage
- ADC_LOW_GND — use GND as lower reference voltage (default)
- Pre-defined (Arduino-like) values:
- Possibility to define PWM resolution using function analogWriteResolution(byte res). Resolution can be in range 1-16 bits. Most popular:
- 8 — like in Arduino Uno (default)
- 16 — maximal possible in Z-Uno
- Libraries
- New library ZUNO_AM2030 temperature & humidity AM2030 I2C sensor.
- New library ZUNO_PN532 NXP PN532 I2C NFC/RFID sensor.
- New library ZUNO_LPS3310 LPS3310 I2C pressure sensor.
- Error that lead to Z-Uno being unreachable after new sketch load (reset was required).
- Problems with ADC wrong errors and input resistance (pullup was accidentelly turned on).
- Problems with data loss on UART1/UART0 on speed bigger than 9.6 kbps. UART reworked to use buffering and MCU facilities (DMA).
- Problems with pins 17-23 being changed on Z-Wave packet send.
- Failed I2C communication with Arduino and other MCUs.
- IR input buffer size rised from 200 to 300 bytes - now IR commands up to 9 bytes can be captured (used by most A/C remotes).
- Allowed to use delay() in setup(). This call is blocking.
This new C++ release is available under http://z-uno.z-wave.me/files/z-uno/package_z-wave.me_index.json URL (follow instructions).
Documentation on Z-Uno web site was also revised and updated to host new functions description.New Z-Uno software release 2.0.7
We are happy to announce new Z-Uno release! This software update of Z-Uno fixes some issues from 2.0.6 version and brings even more features to your Z-Uno.
What's new in 2.0.7?
New examples added:
- IR Receiver conevrts IR commands to Z-Wave — give your TV remote control a second chance!
- IR Transmitter conevrts Z-Wave commands to IR — control your A/V using Z-Wave!
- Z-Wave Water Meter
New features:
- New Channel type Meter to make electrical, gas or water meters (Meter Command Class version 4)
- IR controller
- Libraries
- New library ZUNO_MCP4725 for I2C DAC MCP4725. Community contribution by @michap.
- New library ZUNO_BH1750 for light sensor BH1750. Community contribution by @A.Harrenberg
- ZUNO_ONEWIRE lib can now scan the bus (search() function)
- ZUNO_DS18B20 lib can search for all DS18B20 on the OneWire bus (findAllSensors and scanAloneSensor functions). Added example: DS18B20Sacnner
- ZMEKeypad new function isIdle() added to the lib to check if buttons are active or idle (to go to sleep only on idle)
- Compatibility: new parameter #12 added for correct work of Sensor Binary/Notification channels in Fibaro Home Center 2/Lite.
- uCxx Compiler
- Multidimensional arrays definition fixed
- Dots in file names now work
- // comments in ZUNO_* macro work
- Warinings on local char * supressed
- Optimized pointer to this to minimize stack usage
- Optimized pointers parameters in function calls to minimize stack usage. All but char are now passed via XDATA instead of generic pointers
- Keypad restart after sleep fixed
- delayMicroseconds() precision up to 1 microsecond
- Libraries
- Library Wire. Bug with two bytes locations. Affected 16-bit registers in BMP180
- ZUNO_BMP180. Fixed inaccurate rounding of pressure
- ZUNO_ONEWIRE. Fixed intervals in OneWire bus handling with accurate delayMicroseconds
- ZUNO_DS18B20. Fixed timings depending on sensor resolution. Fixed problem with negative values. Thanks to @michap for contribution
This new C++ release is available under http://z-uno.z-wave.me/files/z-uno/package_z-wave.me_index.json URL (follow instructions).
Documentation on Z-Uno web site was also revised and updated to host new functions description.New Z-Uno software release
We are happy to announce new Z-Uno release! This software update of Z-Uno fixes some issues from test 2.0.5 version and brings more features to your Z-Uno.
We need your feedback!
We would like to ask you to follow our survey to better fit your requirements. Want more examples? Want more function? Please let us know!
What's new in 2.0.6?
New examples added:
- Secure keypad controlling a door lock (battery or mains powered)
- Ultrasonic Distance Sensor HC-SR04
- Infrared Proximity Sensor Sharp
- Analog temperature sensor LM335
- 1-Wire DS18B20 temperature sensor
- I2C BH1750 light sensor
New features:
- New Association type Door Lock to control your Z-Wave secure locks from Z-Uno (to make key pads and RFID entry control systems)
- Update of your sketch over-the-air (OTA) via Z-Wave controllers (Z-Way is capable of doing it)
- Added new frequencies: ANZ/IL/CN/HK/IN (only EU/RU/CN/MY/IN hardware is available right now, but for tests you can use them too)
- New pulseIn added to measure puls width (like in Arduino)
- New Arduino style macro added: map, constrain, round, radians, degrees, sq, bitRead, bitSet, bitClear, bitWrite, bitClear, lowByte, highByte
- DS18B20 and BMP180 libraries fixed to return float
- Fast pin operations (defined via s_pin) improved (now can run faster up to 0.5 μs)
- DHT and I2C libraries moved to user space code (saves code space if you don't use them)
- I2C SCL/SDA can now run on any pins from 9–16 range (default is still 9 and 10), I2C can run up to 100 kHz
- EEPROM and NZRAM libraries changed slightly: EEPROM uses DWORD for address reference, NZRAM uses BYTE.
- User now have access to up to 360 kBytes of EEPROM
- SPI buffering enabled to speed up to 480 kbps
- Problem with static and global variables fixed
- Path to sketch can now contain dashes, spaces and other special symbols
- Problems with sleep mode
- Z-Uno specific libraries were renamed with ZUNO_ prefix not to conflict with native Arduino
This new C++ release is available under http://z-uno.z-wave.me/files/z-uno/package_z-wave.me_index.json URL (follow instructions).
Documentation on Z-Uno web site was also revised and updated to host new functions description.Z-Uno and RaZberry at IFA 2016 in Berlin
Conrad Community meets Z-Uno
See a short presentation of Z-Uno for Conrad Community blog at IFA 2016!
(starting from 1:05, in German)
Another presentation (also in German) was recently prepared by INTUITECH.
Release candidate of C++ compiler version 2.0.5
Release candidate of C++ version 2.0.5 is out!
A lot of new h/w support added and new examples provided.
- 1-Wire library added (OneWire.h)
- built-in EEPROM support added, 16kB available for user (EEPROM.h)
- non-volatile fast memory support added for sleping devices (EEPROM.h)
- Key scanner mode added to allow wakes up from sleep on up to 112 buttons (7x16 columns)
- Dallas DS 3232 RTC library (DS3232RTC.h)
- OLED library (OLED_I2C.h)
- Adafruit BMP180 library (Adafruit_BMP085.h)
- I2C BMP180 pressure and temperature sensor and OLED display example
- I2C BH1750 light sensor example
- 1-Wire DS18B20 temperature sensor example
- New fast pin control added to digitalWrite() and digitalRead()
Like before, this C++ release candidate is available under http://z-uno.z-wave.me/files/z-uno/test-ucxx/packa... URL (please remove stable URL in Arduino IDE settings and put this instead)
Documentation on Z-Uno web site was also revised and updated to host new functions description.