New Z-Uno software release
September 30, 2016
We are happy to announce new Z-Uno release! This software update of Z-Uno fixes some issues from test 2.0.5 version and brings more features to your Z-Uno.
We need your feedback!
We would like to ask you to follow our survey to better fit your requirements. Want more examples? Want more function? Please let us know!
What's new in 2.0.6?
New examples added:
- Secure keypad controlling a door lock (battery or mains powered)
- Ultrasonic Distance Sensor HC-SR04
- Infrared Proximity Sensor Sharp
- Analog temperature sensor LM335
- 1-Wire DS18B20 temperature sensor
- I2C BH1750 light sensor
New features:
- New Association type Door Lock to control your Z-Wave secure locks from Z-Uno (to make key pads and RFID entry control systems)
- Update of your sketch over-the-air (OTA) via Z-Wave controllers (Z-Way is capable of doing it)
- Added new frequencies: ANZ/IL/CN/HK/IN (only EU/RU/CN/MY/IN hardware is available right now, but for tests you can use them too)
- New pulseIn added to measure puls width (like in Arduino)
- New Arduino style macro added: map, constrain, round, radians, degrees, sq, bitRead, bitSet, bitClear, bitWrite, bitClear, lowByte, highByte
- DS18B20 and BMP180 libraries fixed to return float
- Fast pin operations (defined via s_pin) improved (now can run faster up to 0.5 μs)
- DHT and I2C libraries moved to user space code (saves code space if you don't use them)
- I2C SCL/SDA can now run on any pins from 9–16 range (default is still 9 and 10), I2C can run up to 100 kHz
- EEPROM and NZRAM libraries changed slightly: EEPROM uses DWORD for address reference, NZRAM uses BYTE.
- User now have access to up to 360 kBytes of EEPROM
- SPI buffering enabled to speed up to 480 kbps
- Problem with static and global variables fixed
- Path to sketch can now contain dashes, spaces and other special symbols
- Problems with sleep mode
- Z-Uno specific libraries were renamed with ZUNO_ prefix not to conflict with native Arduino
This new C++ release is available under URL (follow instructions).
Documentation on Z-Uno web site was also revised and updated to host new functions description.