Posts by Сергей Полторак Полторак

Сергей Полторак Полторак August 3, 2015

First version of Z-Uno libraries for Arduino IDE is released! This version supports all three types of Z-Wave power modes (mains powered, sleeping and FLiRS), basic Arduino functions are implemented (GPIO, PWM, ADC, setup() and loop()), four types of channels: Binary Sensor, Multilevel Sensor, Binary Switch, Multilevel Switch. Support of Arduino IDE 1.6.2

Сергей Полторак Полторак June 23, 2015

We are performing tests of Z-Uno (v2).

Сергей Полторак Полторак May 22, 2015

After three months of tests and prototyping we have finally started manufacturing first 100 Z-Uno boards

Сергей Полторак Полторак March 2, 2015

First design of Z-Uno PCB (v1)