New Z-Uno software release 2.1.1
November 11, 2017
This new software update for Z-Uno introduces many new features, allows you to use modern Arduino IDE 1.8.5 and prepares Z-Uno for the most secure IoT protocol - Z-Wave Security S2 - that will be release in the next 2.1.2.
What's new in 2.1.1?
New features:
- Arduino IDE 1.6.5 and 1.8.5 are now supported. You can now use the latest Arduino IDE with Z-Uno!
- Added Japonese, Korean and Taiwanese frequencies.
- Number of Z-Uno channels rised to 32! You can make 32 devices in one.
- Added support for up to 32 user defined configuration parameters to make your sketches even more flexible.
- Z-Uno can wake up on low and high INT1 - this allows to go into sleep mode on any state of INT1. Save more battery in your sensor!
- Stack overflow and system errors are reported to the controller and/or to the UART0. Arduino IDE Tools menu allows to turn it on/off. This should make your debugging easier.
- User defined battery measurement allows to personalize battery reports for your project.
- Added the possibility to measure the voltage on the 3V pin using analogRead() function.
- Added function zunoSetBeamCountWU() to instruct Z-Uno in FLiRS mode to wake up after several second even if there were no packets received. This allows to make always reachable battery powered sensors.
- In Arduino IDE Tools menu one more item added - clean EEPROM. Can clean user data, system data or all data (like reset to factory default).
- Fixed wakeup on Key Scanner (broken in 2.1.0)
- Fixed FLIRS not reporting without a delay in the loop. Now delay is not needed anymore.
- Fixed handler calling when devices is sent into sleep by user.
- memset fixed
- No need to downgrade to the previous version to upgrade from test build to a stable one
- Few examples changed to adop the changes above
And a lot of internal changes (see our forum for more details).
Our next ambitious goal is to release and certify an S2 capable Z-Uno!
To illustrate the power of Z-Uno we have made those new examples::
- FLiRS humidity sensor
- 32 DS18B20 temperature sensors
- OLED display with text and bitmaps
- RadioBlink example enhanced with configuration parameter
To install this new release follow simple instructions.
Documentation on Z-Uno web site was also revised and updated to host new functions description.