Instruct Z-Uno to send an unsolicited report to the controller.
Usually called in case of an event, i.e. when temperature/luminosity/wind speed/... changes too much or sensor state changes or button pressed.
Reports are sent to all devices members of Life Line Association group (group #1). These are unsolicited reports means they are not answers to a corresponding Get command.
Number of channel as defined in ZUNO_SETUP_CHANNELS() staring from 1.
According to Z-Wave Plus restrictions, values from Sensor Multilevel channels (defined via ZUNO_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL macro) will not be sent unsolicitedly to Life Line more often than every 30 seconds. At the same time Z-Uno will answer instantly on Sensor Multilevel Get command (solicited report). You can also change this time using configuration parameter #11. This restriction is not applicable to other channel types.
If the sketch have more than one channel of the same type and simple association is used (means set up using Association Command Class) to association Life Line group with the controller, unsolicited reports will be sent only from the first channel of that type. To get all unsolicited reports from Z-Uno a channel association is required (means set up using MultiChannel Association Command Class).
For example instead of association of Life Line group with node 1 (controller) use association with 1:0 (node 1, channel 0). This will instruct Z-Uno to send MultiChannel encapsulated reports.
This is 100% Z-Wave Plus compliant. But some (mostly old) controllers might not yet support this behavior.
void setup() {
void loop() {
if (currentValue != lastValue) {
lastValue = currentValue;
byte getter(void) {
return currentValue;