
This function instructs Z-Uno to start channels. Use it to configure your Z-Uno right from the user code. After changing the number or types of channels or association groups Z-Uno must be excluded and included back. Z-Uno will not adopt any channel type change without being excluded. zunoStartDeviceConfiguration() Z-Uno dynamic configuration uses the following functions: Do not forget to enable all channel types you will use in your sketch with ZUNO_ENABLE(WITH_CC_...); In runtime you can get channel values using macro ZUNO_CFG_CHANNEL(CHANNEL):
  • CHANNEL Z-Uno channel number. Value in range [0;31]. You can examine how many channels you have using macro ZUNO_CFG_CHANNEL_COUNT.
  • ZUNO_CFG_CHANNEL(CHANNEL).type Represents channel type. See types list in zunoAddChannel description.
  • ZUNO_CFG_CHANNEL(CHANNEL).sub_type and ZUNO_CFG_CHANNEL(CHANNEL).params - optional parameters for some channel types
  • ZUNO_CFG_CHANNEL(CHANNEL).zw_channel Represent Z-Wave Multichannel intance of described channel.
Example #1 Below is the Radio Blink sketch from Z-Uno paper manual made in a static getter/setter style
byte dimmerValue = 99; ZUNO_SETUP_CHANNELS(ZUNO_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL(getSwitchMultilevelValue, setSwitchMultilevelValue)); ZUNO_SETUP_ASSOCIATIONS(ZUNO_ASSOCIATION_GROUP_SET_VALUE, ZUNO_ASSOCIATION_GROUP_SET_VALUE_AND_DIM) void setup() { pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); } void loop() { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); delay(dimmerValue*10); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); delay(dimmerValue*10); } void setSwitchMultilevelValue(byte newValue) { dimmerValue = newValue; } byte getSwitchMultilevelValue(void) { return dimmerValue; }
Example 2 Below is the Radio Blink sketch from Z-Uno paper manual made in dynamic getter/setter style
// Define special command class macroses // We use SwitchMultilevel and Basic command classes for dimmer, so we have to enable them: ZUNO_ENABLE(WITH_CC_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL WITH_CC_BASIC) byte dimmerValue = 99; // create a structure to store getter & setter handlers static zuno_handler_single_gettersetter_t switch_multilevel_handlers={(void*)&getSwitchMultilevelValue,(void*)&setSwitchMultilevelValue}; void setup() { if(zunoStartDeviceConfiguration()) { // Check if we are able to reconfigure the device. // Device can change its characterictics ONLY if it's not included zunoAddChannel(ZUNO_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL_CHANNEL_NUMBER, 0, 0); // Add SWITCH_MULTILEVEL channel. It doesn't require any optional parameters. zunoSetZWChannel(0, 0); // Setup Z-Wave Multichannel instance, 0 - main EndPoint zunoAddAssociation(ZUNO_ASSOC_BASIC_SET_NUMBER, 0);// Add Association for Basic control zunoAddAssociation(ZUNO_ASSOC_BASIC_SET_AND_DIM_NUMBER, 0);// Add Association for Basic and SwitchMultilevel control zunoCommitCfg(); // Apply settings ^^^ } // Bind handler functions for 0 channel. You have to setup handler every time device powers on zunoAppendChannelHandler(0, 1, CHANNEL_HANDLER_SINGLE_GETTERSETTER, (void*)&switch_multilevel_handlers); pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); } void loop() { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); delay(dimmerValue*10); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); delay(dimmerValue*10); } static void setSwitchMultilevelValue(byte newValue) { dimmerValue = newValue; } static byte getSwitchMultilevelValue(void) { return dimmerValue; }
Example 3 Below is the Radio Blink sketch from Z-Uno paper manual made in static variable style
byte dimmerValue = 99; ZUNO_SETUP_CHANNELS(ZUNO_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL(dimmerValue, NULL)); ZUNO_SETUP_ASSOCIATIONS(ZUNO_ASSOCIATION_GROUP_SET_VALUE, ZUNO_ASSOCIATION_GROUP_SET_VALUE_AND_DIM) void setup() { pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); } void loop() { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); delay(dimmerValue*10); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); delay(dimmerValue*10); }
Example 4 Below is the Radio Blink sketch from Z-Uno paper manual made in dynamic variable style
// Define special command class macroses // We use SwitchMultilevel and Basic command classes for dimmer, so we have to enable them: ZUNO_ENABLE(WITH_CC_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL WITH_CC_BASIC) byte dimmerValue = 99; void setup() { if(zunoStartDeviceConfiguration()) { // Check if we are able to reconfigure the device. // Device can change its characterictics ONLY if it's not included zunoAddChannel(ZUNO_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL_CHANNEL_NUMBER, 0, 0); // Add SWITCH_MULTILEVEL channel. It doesn't require any optional parameters. zunoSetZWChannel(0, 0); // Setup Z-Wave Multichannel instance, 0 - main EndPoint zunoAddAssociation(ZUNO_ASSOC_BASIC_SET_NUMBER, 0);// Add Association for Basic control zunoAddAssociation(ZUNO_ASSOC_BASIC_SET_AND_DIM_NUMBER, 0);// Add Association for Basic and SwitchMultilevel control zunoCommitCfg(); // Apply settings ^^^ } // Bind variable "dimmerValue" for 0 channel. You have to map the variable every time the device powers on zunoAppendChannelHandler(0, 1, CHANNEL_HANDLER_SINGLE_VALUEMAPPER, (void*)&dimmerValue); pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); } void loop() { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); delay(dimmerValue*10); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); delay(dimmerValue*10); }

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