Binds any Z-Uno event to specified callback function. It's a low level Z-Uno core API. In most cases user is able to use upper level functions are based on zunoAttachSysHandler. Follow to "see also" section for details. zunoAttachSysHandler(type, sub_type, handler)type:
- ZUNO_HANDLER_SYSTIMER System timer event. It triggers every 10 millisecond.
- ZUNO_HANDLER_SYSEVENT Z-Uno system runtime events. Triggers when Z-Uno starts learn mode, OTA upgrade and etc...
- ZUNO_HANDLER_IRQ General interrupt handler. Triggers on any interrupt that is acceptable for user-side of code. sub_type in this case defines interrupt type.
- ZUNO_HANDLER_SLEEP Triggers just before Z-Uno goes to sleep.
- ZUNO_HANDLER_WUP Triggers every time Z-Uno wakes up from EM2 mode
- ZUNO_HANDLER_ZW_CFG Triggers every time user changes Configuration parameters
- ZUNO_HANDLER_ZW_BATTERY Triggers every time system calls for battery charge value.
- ZUNO_HANDLER_REPORT Triggers every time Z-Uno gets Z-Wave report (like BasicReport, SwitchBinaryReport and etc..)
- ZUNO_HANDLER_EXTINT Triggers every time Z-Uno gets external inetrrupt. It's a specific case of ZUNO_HANDLER_IRQ.
- ZUNO_HANDLER_GPT Triggers every time Z-Uno gets General Purpose Timer (GPT) inetrrupt. It's a specific case of ZUNO_HANDLER_IRQ.
- ZUNO_HANDLER_NOTIFICATON_TIME_STAMP Triggers every time Z-Uno is called for time paramer value.
- ZunoErrorOk - it's all right. Handler succesfuly attached.
- ZunoErrorAttachSysHandler. The table is full. System couldn't attach one more handler.
High level proxy-functions that provide more comfortable interface.
attachInterrupt attaches interrupt handler to needed pin.
Static macros that bind handlers.
ZUNO_SETUP_BATTERY_HANDLER Setups battery level handler (Z-Wave command class Battery).
ZUNO_SETUP_SYSTIMER_HANDLER Setups system timer handler.
ZUNO_SETUP_SYSEVENT_HANDLER Setups system runtime events handler.
ZUNO_SETUP_ISR_GPTIMER Setups General Puspose Timer's interrupt handler.
ZUNO_REPORTS_HANDLER Setups incoming Z-Wave report handler.
ZUNO_SETUP_CFGPARAMETER_HANDLER Setups configuration parameters handler (Z-Wave command class Configuration).