
This functions binds handler to Z-Uno channel. This function is used for "dynamic" channel defintion. You have to bind handler to channel each time you power your device. zunoAppendChannelHandler(ch, value_size, type, *handler) ch Z-Uno channel number in range [0;31]. Every time you call zunoAddChannel it adds one more channel with index starting from 0. value_size Size of values in getter/setter (or for mapped variables) in bytes. type type of needed handler
  • binds single-instance getter function to the desired channel. Is suitable for sensors.
  • binds single-instance getter and setter functions to the desired channel. Is suitable for relay/dimmers and etc.
  • binds single-variable to the desired channel. Is suitable for sensors.
  • binds multi-instance getter function to the desired channel. You can handle many channels in one function. Number of channel is passed as the first parameter. Is suitable for multi-instance sensors. For example if you have a number of temperature sensors this approach will reduce your code size and gives good code visualization.
  • binds multi-instance getter and setter functions to the desired channel. Is suitable for something like multi relays/ multi dimmer devices. Reduces code size.
  • binds single-instance getter and setter for 2 parameters command class. Is suitable for command classes like SwitchColor.
  • binds multi-instance getter and setter for 2 parameters command class. Is suitable for command classes like SwitchColor. Multi-instance version.
  • binds single-instance getter and setter to thermostat command class.
  • binds multi-instance getter and setter to thermostat command class. Multi-instance version.
handler Pointer to structure/function-type pointer
CHANNEL_HANDLER_SINGLE_VALUEMAPPER - Use a direct variable mapping without getter/setter function.

byte dimmerValue = 99;

// Immitates static declaration like this

void setup() {
  // ...
  // Here you have to start configuration / define channel / commit configuration
  // ...
  // Just a variable binding
  zunoAppendChannelHandler( 0,  1, CHANNEL_HANDLER_SINGLE_VALUEMAPPER, (void*)&dimmerValue); // direct pointer to value that is mapped to this channel 

CHANNEL_HANDLER_SINGLE_GETTER Binding getter function to the channel

byte dimmerValue = 99;
// Immitates static declaration like this
void setup() {
   // ...
   // Here you have to start configuration / define channel / commit configuration
   // ...
   zunoAppendChannelHandler( 0,  1, CHANNEL_HANDLER_SINGLE_GETTER, (void*)&getterFunctionSensorBinary);// Direct pointer to getter function

BYTE getterFunctionSensorBinary() {
  return dimmerValue; // We can return any value here. Just shows a proxy getter for "dimmerValue"

CHANNEL_HANDLER_SINGLE_GETTERSETTER Binding for getter и setter functions.

byte dimmerValue = 99;
// Immitates static declaration like this
//ZUNO_SETUP_CHANNELS(ZUNO_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL(getSwitchMultilevelValue, setSwitchMultilevelValue));
// We use special proxy-structure to fill both pointers
zuno_handler_single_gettersetter_t gettersetter={(void*)&getSwitchMultilevelValue,(void*)&setSwitchMultilevelValue};

void setup() {
  // ...
  // Here you have to start configuration / define channel / commit configuration
  // ...
  zunoAppendChannelHandler( 0,  1, CHANNEL_HANDLER_SINGLE_GETTERSETTER, (void*)&gettersetter); // Translate structure instance to core-side
// Simple getter/setter for  dimmerValue variable
// Just for example
void setSwitchMultilevelValue(byte newValue) {
  dimmerValue = newValue;
 byte getSwitchMultilevelValue(void) {
  return dimmerValue;

CHANNEL_HANDLER_SINGLE_GETTERSETTER_2P is used when command class requires some extra parameter in getter/setter compared to common CHANNEL_HANDLER_SINGLE_GETTERSETTER.

uint8_t _color[10] = {0};
// Immitates static declaration like this

// We use special proxy-structure to fill both pointers
zuno_handler_single_gettersetter_t color_gettersetter={(void*)&getterFunctionColor,(void*)&setterFunctionColor};

void setup() {
  zunoAppendChannelHandler( 0,  1, CHANNEL_HANDLER_SINGLE_GETTERSETTER_2P, (void*)&color_gettersetter);// Translate structure pointer here
// proxy getter/setter for _color array
BYTE getterFunctionColor(BYTE component) {
  return (_color[component]);
void setterFunctionColor(BYTE component, BYTE newValue) {
  _color[component] = newValue;

CHANNEL_HANDLER_SINGLE_THERMOSTAT specific thermostat command class hadler.

// Thermostat requires variables for current mode and its temperature
int g_therm_point;
BYTE g_update = FALSE;

// Immitates static declaration like this

// Fill structure instance
zuno_handler_single_thermostat_t thermostat_handler = {(void*)&thermModeGetterC, (void*)&thermModeSetterC, (void*)&thermPointGetterC, (void*)&thermPointSetterC};

void setup() {
  // bind structure to channel
  zunoAppendChannelHandler( 0,  1, CHANNEL_HANDLER_SINGLE_THERMOSTAT, (void*)&thermostat_handler);// translate pointer to structure

// Calls when user requests mode  from Z-Wave controller
BYTE thermModeGetterC(){
  return g_therm_mode;
// Calls when user changes mode (Heat/Cool/Off and etc) from Z-Wave controller
void thermModeSetterC(BYTE mode){
  g_therm_mode = mode;
  g_update = TRUE;
// Calls when user requests temperature for desired mode from Z-Wave controller
WORD thermPointGetterC(BYTE mode){
  return g_therm_point;
// Calls when user changes temperature for desired mode from Z-Wave controller
void thermPointSetterC(BYTE mode,WORD point){
  g_update = TRUE;
  g_therm_point = point;

Multiinstance example. Lets try to imagine we have 2 montion sensor in one z-wave device.

zuno_handler_multi_getter_t multi_sen_getter={(void*)&getterFunctionSensorBinary,0}; // 0 is the index of first channel

// Immitates static declaration like this

void setup() {
  zunoAppendChannelHandler( 0, 1, CHANNEL_HANDLER_MULTI_GETTER, (void*)&multi_sen_getter);// Use the same pointer to the same structure
  zunoAppendChannelHandler( 1, 1, CHANNEL_HANDLER_MULTI_GETTER, (void*)&multi_sen_getter);// Use the same pointer to the same structure

BYTE getterFunctionSensorBinary(byte ch) {
  // Just a stub. Always returns idle. You can add any logic you want :)
  return (0x0);

Table of required types
Handler type Translating variable type
CHANNEL_HANDLER_SINGLE_GETTERSETTER zuno_handler_single_gettersetter_t
CHANNEL_HANDLER_MULTI_GETTER zuno_handler_multi_getter_t
CHANNEL_HANDLER_MULTI_GETTERSETTER zuno_handler_multi_gettersetter_t
CHANNEL_HANDLER_SINGLE_GETTERSETTER_2P zuno_handler_single_gettersetter_t
CHANNEL_HANDLER_MULTI_GETTERSETTER_2P zuno_handler_multi_gettersetter_t
CHANNEL_HANDLER_SINGLE_THERMOSTAT zuno_handler_single_thermostat_t
CHANNEL_HANDLER_MULTI_THERMOSTAT zuno_handler_multi_thermostat_t
Structures types are defined here ZUNO_SysTypes.h. Common examples of channel definitions you are able to find here zunoStartDeviceConfiguration.