
Operaror new allocates memory in heap for variables, objects, structures, arrays. This is an analogue of the malloc () function in C++. Operator delete releases memory area, that was allocated by means of new operator. Allocation of memory for a single variable/object: ptrArray = new type
delete ptrArray
ptrArray: name of pointer. type: Variable type. This could be a base type like int, float, char, double or name of class, typedef and etc.
#define MY_SERIAL		Serial

void setup() {
	int *ptrI;// pointer to store address of allocated data 
	ptrI = new int; // Allocate one int variable in the "heap"
	*ptrI = rand(); // Fill it with random value
	MY_SERIAL.print("raw data:");
	MY_SERIAL.dumpPrint(ptrI, sizeof(int)); // Print raw data
	MY_SERIAL.print("\nInteger value:");
	MY_SERIAL.print(*ptrI); // Print integer value
	delete ptrI; // free "heap" memory 

void loop() {
Allocation memory for an array: ptrArray = new type[size]
delete[] ptrArray
ptrArray: pointer to memory area which holds the array. type: Array element's type. This could be a base type like int, float, char, double or name of class, typedef and etc. size: Required size of array.
#define MY_SERIAL		Serial
void setup() {
	int				*ptrArray; // Pointer to array 
	ptrArray = new int[10]; // allocate 10 elements
	for (int i = 0; i <5; i++)
		ptrArray[i] = rand();// Fill element with random data
	// print array to serial 
	MY_SERIAL.print("Array: ");
	for (int i = 0; i <5; i++){
		MY_SERIAL.print(" ");
	delete[] ptrArray; // Free allocated memory
void loop() {
Allocate memory for object
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "ZUNO_DHT.h"

#define MY_SERIAL Serial

DHT *dht22_sensor;

/* the setup function runs once, when you press reset or power the board */
void setup() {
	dht22_sensor = new DHT(9, DHT22); // allocates memory region and then calls constructor of class for this region
	MY_SERIAL.println("\n **** Sketch is starting... ****\n");

/* the loop function runs over and over again forever */
void loop() {
	byte		result;
	byte		i;
	byte		raw_data[5]; 

	result = dht22_sensor->read(true);  // We use -> instead of . to access methods of object located by dht22_sensor pointer
	MY_SERIAL.print("DHT read result:");
	MY_SERIAL.print("Raw data: { ");
	for(i=0;i<5;i++) {
		MY_SERIAL.print(raw_data[i], HEX);
		MY_SERIAL.print(" ");
	MY_SERIAL.println("} ");
Please note that you need required memory area to use dynamic memory operations. See malloc() description for details.