Z-Uno RF Test Mode

Z-Uno is a radio emitting device and requires certification in different countries. To help you certify Z-Uno based devices we have added RF Test Mode.

To enter in RF Test Mode you need to connect TX0 and RX0 pins together (see Z-Uno pinout), hold Service button and press Reset button. Repeat the process to switch to next RF Test Mode. The LED will let you know which test mode is currently running.

LED indicationCenter frequencies (by region), MHz
1xChannel 0 carrier only868.40908.40919.80869.00919.80868.40865.20916.00922.50
2xChannel 0 carrier modulated
3xxChannel 1 carrier only869.85916.00921.40923.90
4xChannel 1 carrier modulated
5xxChannel 2 carrier only--------926.30
6xxChannel 2 carrie modulated
7xxxRX only---------

To go back to normal operational mode of Z-Uno disconnect TX0 from RX0 and press Reset without touching Service button.

Z-Uno 2 can be also turned in RF test mode using zme_make command line tool from the Z-Uno package. The tool is located in .arduino15/packages/Z-Uno2/tools/zme_make/x.y.z

40 kbps channel, modulated: zme_make(.exe) radiotest -m  B10 -c 1 -fr EU -t 10000 -d /dev/ttyUSB0
40 kbps channel, carrier only: zme_make(.exe)  radiotest -m  CARRIER -c 1 -fr EU -t 10000 -d /dev/ttyUSB0
100 kbps channel, modulated: zme_make(.exe)  radiotest -m  B10 -c 0 -fr EU -t 10000 -d /dev/ttyUSB0
100 kbps channel, carrier only: zme_make(.exe)  radiotest -m  CARRIER -c 0 -fr EU -t 10000 -d /dev/ttyUSB0

Do zme_make(.exe) -h for more info:

  -d DEVICE                             Device file (UNIX) or COM-port (WINDOWS) of adapter
  -m {CARRIER,PN9,B10,PKG}              Rail test mode
                                          CARRIER - carrier only
                                          PN9 = x^9 + x^5 + 1
                                          B10 = 10101010....
                                          PKG = Z-Wave packet with random content and the chip UUID at the end
  -fr {EU,RU,US,IN,HK,CN,JP,IL,MY,ANZ}  Region
  -c CHANNEL                            Channel: 0 = 100 kbps, 1 = 40 kbps, 2 = 9.6 kbps
  -p POWER                              Power of AMP in 10th of dBms
  -t TIMEOUT                            Timeout in milliseconds