
Defines IR controller receiver parameters. Easiest way to set up receiver is to use Vendor mode.
IRReceiverParams ir_params(vendor, flags);
flags Set to IR_FLAGS_IO_INVERTED of mark is HIGH and space is LOW voltage. Otherwise use 0. Most popular IR-receivers like Vishay TSOP31238/TSOP312* have inverted output vendor Vendor/encoding IR_VENDOR_* constant from IRController.h And for experienced users there is advanced mode.
IRReceiverParams ir_params(flags, ms_prescaler, carrier_prescaler, trail_space, carrier_averager, glitch_remover);
flags Set to IR_FLAGS_IO_INVERTED of mark is HIGH and space is LOW voltage. Otherwise use 0. Most popular IR-receivers like Vishay TSOP31238/TSOP312* have inverted output ms_prescaler Prescaler for mark and space intervals. One of IR_MS_PRESCALLER_* constant from IRController.h carrier_prescaler Prescaler for carrier frequency. One of IR_CARRIER_PRESCALLER_* constant from IRController.h trail_space Trail space. One of IR_TRAILSPACE_* constant from IRController.h carrier_averager Not used glitch_remover Not used