Release candidate of C++ compiler version 2.0.5

August 24, 2016

Release candidate of C++ version 2.0.5 is out!

A lot of new h/w support added and new examples provided.

  • 1-Wire library added (OneWire.h)
  • built-in EEPROM support added, 16kB available for user (EEPROM.h)
  • non-volatile fast memory support added for sleping devices (EEPROM.h)
  • Key scanner mode added to allow wakes up from sleep on up to 112 buttons (7x16 columns)
  • Dallas DS 3232 RTC library (DS3232RTC.h)
  • OLED library (OLED_I2C.h)
  • Adafruit BMP180 library (Adafruit_BMP085.h)
  • I2C BMP180 pressure and temperature sensor and OLED display example
  • I2C BH1750 light sensor example
  • 1-Wire DS18B20 temperature sensor example
  • New fast pin control added to digitalWrite() and digitalRead()

Like before, this C++ release candidate is available under URL (please remove stable URL in Arduino IDE settings and put this instead)

Documentation on Z-Uno web site was also revised and updated to host new functions description.